2012年12月1日 星期六

Broken Hand


2012年11月26日 星期一


"It's not a journey, every journey ends but we go on. The world turns and we turn with it. Plans disappear, dreams take over. But wherever I go, there you are. My luck, my fate, my fortune. Chanel No.5. Inevitable."



2012年11月2日 星期五



試舉下列哪些不是 "洗腦" 項目:



2012年10月17日 星期三






我很久沒有讀小說了,因為忙,也因為那些小說栓不住我,"生死疲勞" 栓住我了,我被拖到故事里欲罷不能。


1)我國的作家阿城,曾經撰文說愛情是一種化學反應,此論標新立異,聽來頗感新鮮,但如果愛情能用化學方式製造並能用化學方式控制,小說家就沒有用武之地了 ....
注:這不是我說的嗎?這個愛情和化學不是我原創的嗎?呵呵.... 真是太陽地下沒新鮮事兒,我要回頭找找我說愛情化學論的那個 blog 出來。

2)"西門鬧,你的一切情況,我都知道了,你心中,現在還有仇恨嗎?"  我猶豫了一下,搖了搖頭。



2012年9月22日 星期六

iPhone 5

通過 iPhone 5 的發佈,可以看到 apple的 marketing strategy 的轉變,清晰感覺到 iphone 和 fashion 的關係已經遠遠超過以往單純的 "tech fashion",現在已經提高到了 "premium fashion" 的地步。

官方介紹中除了突出新 iphone 的速度 (硬體介紹只是點到為止),則更大幅度介紹了 iphone5 的 craftsmanship , 這種側重是前所沒有的,相似的 promotion point 更多出現在珠寶,鐘錶,房車這種高檔奢侈品上,從此可以看出apple對新phone產品認識,市場發展方向,都遠遠超普羅大眾對 iphone5 的期望,我看 apple 正再一次的把電話市場潛移默化,其他廠商還是乖乖的被牽著鼻子走,或只能滿足要求並不太高的市場消費者。


2012年9月7日 星期五




Andrew • 7/Aug, 2012 

2012年7月7日 星期六

Why kids rebel ?

Very good to read.
From (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101108203753AAetS5D)

For the most part it is natural for teenagers to rebel against their parents. It is part of the growing up process. When you are a child, you love your parents like a child. You are extremely attached to them. If you always loved your parents with this childish love, you would never leave the house and go have your own family. During the teen years, the child tests and pushes against this relationship, doing some damage to the relationship so that it can be reformed into an adult-parent relationship.

A simple example of this is that most teens at some point or other are embarrassed by their parents. When they were kids, they thought their parents were the greatest. Now, as teens, they are starting to separate themselves from their parents and establish themselves as individuals.

Now, this is no way justifies rebelling against your parents. It doesn't make it okay to break rules, be disrespectful and etc. Teens don't need to be a flat out jerk to their parents in order to reform their relationship in a new way. It seems to me that teens today are more likely to stage a huge rebellion, and I think this is mostly due to the way that they are raised. If you are spoiled and given whatever you want as a child, you are going to expect to receive what you want as a teen. Kids want toys and an extra cookie or something....teens want to stay out all night, party and etc. Parents gave the kid the extra cookie, but most of them don't want their kids doing drugs. So, they start trying to put their foot down...

The teenage years were already primed by nature to be a bit difficult and turbulent - hormones, brain development, redefining relationships - now have a totally spoiled kid goes through that. It isn't going to be pretty.

It is also an important fact that if you spoil your child, you to some extent teach your child not to care about your feelings. Any child who really cared about their parents wouldn't cry, pout, get angry or throw fits when they don't get what they want. So, when this kid hits puberty, they aren't going to magically start being considerate of their parents' feelings. They aren't going to consider their parents' feelings at all. They've been raised to believe that their parents' feelings don't matter.

You said that teens who are rebelling are hurting themselves more than others. Another side-effect of spoiling children is that they do not learn self-discipline. Self-discipline is the ability to say, "I can wait to get what I want." It is the ability to set a long term goal and work towards it, with little payoff on an immediate basis. Teens who were spoiled aren't thinking about college, they aren't thinking about their report cards. They are thinking about what they want *Right NOW*. They have never learned to wait or to put in time and effort.

Obviously, this does not apply to all teens. I didn't rebel at all against my parents. I redefined our relationship in other ways. It sounds like you aren't rebelling either. You should be very proud of yourself :). You are doing a great job working hard towards college and your future. It is so sad that your attitude isn't as common as it used to be. I hope your parents realize what a wonderful child they have :).

2012年6月28日 星期四

Story is about everything.


Marketing is all about storytelling, it creates an interesting and attractive story which leads people to find and discover your service and product. 

The product is about storytelling, too, people get into the story should start from the moment they opened the box, the way they open, hold, touch and feel about your product should be a part of the story you are trying to tell people. The story is letting people feel, like they are inside the story already, not simply written the story on the box cover or the menu, people will remember the story and the impact, not the letters, you can also call this, experience. 

The product design about feels the contain not read the contents.  A good product makes people enjoy, so be aware why. If you successfully bring the story into your product, and people felt the same way like what you created for,  it will be a great product and will be last for a long time.

2012年6月23日 星期六


1) 現在社會,太多產品,讓人眼花繚亂,第100個和第101個相似產品的設計,是否有分別,已經沒有任何意義。

2)I think better and cheaper and good marketing will be the key.

2012年4月7日 星期六


给儿子买了块表,但考虑到他目前的年纪,手臂的粗细与承重量,所以我先用着,将来再 ... ... ................. 说吧...