提供一個有效的平台似乎比 runing deeply into one kind of business 更重要,現在看來,蘋果的成功似乎不只是 iPod, 更是 iTunes;似乎不只是 iPhone 而更是 app store... 通過一個有效的工具 (iPod or iPhone) 牽引出一個全新的,巨大的經營模式(平台) 從而獲得長久的獲利 ... 這樣看來,google, facebook, twitter 似乎也是差不多這樣一個模式 .....
所以我覺得,至少現在覺得,似乎 running a certain kind of business is not the most important, the most important is to create a balance and complete platform ... well, if you have an amazing product like iPhone to be the key would be great, otherwise, think about where to go will help a lot on the planning at the beginning...